Hello and Welcome

Hi everyone and welcome to our blog.

Here is our first ever post (!!!) to share with you what we hope to achieve in this online space. We love teaching, but at times it can be a tough gig. The teachers we know want to do the best job they can for their students, but often don’t have the time to research and develop new things in between the many demands of the job. Here’s where we can help - we want to provide you with resources, strategies, ideas and our own experiences so that you can shape what you do in the classroom tomorrow.

This blog will include teaching strategies, links to our resources and ideas. We also upload videos to our social media accounts which explain many of the strategies that we share here. We aim to create an online community that shares, excites, and supports one another.

We both teach in government schools in Melbourne, Australia. We also have leadership roles in Pedagogy and Curriculum and have always shared our resources with one another. But why stop there? We were inspired to start this blog as both of our roles require us to research, collate and share best practice teaching and learning strategies. We want to share this with as many teachers as possible to make their job a little bit easier.

Still reading? Great! Our goal for. this year is to post on a range of topics. We will keep things short, practical and try to keep as much edu-jargon out of the posts.

We’d love to hear what you would like to see featured in our posts. Comment below and let’s get started for 2020.